Computer Desk Height

Computer Desk Height

How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Do you work from home or are you working in an office? What type of desk are you using? Is it the right height?

It is so important to take the time you need to research what computer desk is going to be the best one for you and there are so many options to choose from. The options seem endless.

Looking for the right computer desk can be an overwhelming experience especially if you haven’t done some research. They all range in price, in features, and in size, but the most crucial thing that you have to look for is if they are ergonomically correct.

It has been proven that if you sit for far too long at a desk that has not been built to compliment your back, it is going to definitely hurt over a long period of time. This can lead to awful effects on your spine and your overall posture.

The Proper Computer Desk Height:

So what is the optimal height of the desk that you should be purchasing? That depends on how tall or short you are.

The average heights of most computer desks are roughly 55 inches off the ground and can be adjusted. This is the standard size for the height of a computer desk. It is recommended to choose a desk that can be easily adjusted. This will help you a lot especially if you have various heights in your family.


Take the time to think about where you are going to place your computer desk in your house. We recommend that you measure the space the desk is going to be put in as this is going to help narrow down your search.

It is also suggested that you purchase an L-Shaped desk as this gives you a lot of more optimal workspace. We tend to use one side of the L-Shaped desk for writing and the other desk is for the computer.


With every desk comes a new set of colors. Some have wood finishes, while others are done in silver, white, black, or gray. The type of desk you want should be based upon the color and décor of the room you are going to put it in.


The reason for finding the optimum computer desk height is you need a desk that is ergonomically correct. If you have one that is too high or too low, you could be hindering your neck and your spine.

It is important to find the perfect desk with the perfect height. In the long run, your body will thank you.

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